Night Fury Suppressor

With the new Night Fury suppressor, BBG Engineering in Pretoria has taken the success of its current dB-series suppressors a step further with increased reductions in noise and recoil.

The reasons shooters and hunters fit suppressors to their rifles differ depending on what the rifles are to be used for. Ben van Dyk, a sport shooter and hunter himself, realised this long ago when he started manufacturing his dB-series of suppressors. The essence of the dB-series is that shooters can customise their suppressors with the series’ interchangeable parts and work closely with Ben to fine-tune their specific needs.

The main aim of any suppressor for sport and hunting is to muffle the report of the firearm and to significantly reduce recoil, all to enhance accuracy. A massive reduction in recoil, especially with large magnum calibres, enables a shooter to maintain visibility on the intended point of impact. They are also ideal for professional hunters who hunt dangerous game with magnum rifles as they allow for quick target acquisition on follow-up shots.

The secret of the Night Fury suppressor is in the main tubes. Ben says due to the variations in the measurement of sound and recoil, he has decided not to publish the test results yet. “Our product performs exceptionally well. With our in-house testing done to date, we compare exceptionally well against other products.”

The suppressor consists of a main tube and the balance between sound and recoil reduction is achieved by its combination of length and the number of baffles. Ben says the new tube has no effect on bullet velocity. A reflex attachment, over the barrel, further improves volume and recoil reduction. Incorporated is an internal reflex muzzle brake for recoil reduction. It comes with a large brake front cap, which allows for interchangeability between components. The large external muzzle brake uses the exiting gases in a unique way to reduce recoil. A standard front cap can be swopped with the external muzzle brake.

The exciting news is that the standard Night Fury system can also be customised as the existing dB-series silencer parts are interchangeable with it. The Night Fury system has 50 different combinations that can be created to fit shooters’s needs, either for hunting or sport shooting with standard or magnum calibre rifles.

The standard Night Fury suppressor with the short reflex tube is ideal for competitions where there is a weight limit on a rifle. Shooters might opt for a light, short suppressor that reduces the recoil, but with less sound reduction. A shorter reflex tube is also ideal for hunters with short, compact rifles who want to reduce recoil, but are not overly concerned about sound reduction.

The silencers are manufactured from 6082 aluminium and all aluminium components are hard anodized. The first baffle is stainless steel and there is the option of having a second aluminium baffle for extended durability. All thread inserts and muzzle brakes are stainless steel and coated to military specifications with Gunkote for a durable finish.

When buying a Night Fury the first 500-shot service is included free of charge, exclusive of shipping. After that a service is recommended after every 1 000 shots. The silencer looks durable, pleasing to the eye and user-friendly. I found it significantly reduced recoil, has almost not influence of velocity and no influence on accuracy.

Contact BBG Engineering on 012-653-0023 or email

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